Application: Sterling Trader® Elite
Version: 11.0
Release Date: June 1, 2018
Windows Management:
- Enable main window control setting added to the Global Settings (General page).
- When enabled, moving the main application window will also move all other windows.
- Holding the CTRL button down allows the main window to move independently.
- Add-on windows are not included in main window control.
- Enable window snap positioning setting added to the Global Settings (General page).
- When enabled, current window will be auto-positioned near other close windows upon completion of moving or resizing.
- ‘Snap Parent’ concept has been removed.
- Add-on windows and Classic Chart are not included in snap positioning.
- Upon startup, or loading of a layout, the application now checks for any windows opening offscreen and displays a message giving the user the option to automatically bring the windows onscreen.
Windows Linking:
- Linking has been updated to allow designating link groups by color, via a color dropdown in the title bar.
- Linkable windows also have a Link Color… menu item under their Action menu. (For Manager, Classic-mode Pro/Elite, and Classic Chart, which do not support color linking via the title bar.)
- Old link group numbers will be automatically converted to colors.
Level II OE:
- L2 data can now be consolidated by price level and viewed in aggregate. To enable, from main toolbar select View->Settings->Quotes and check the “Open Level II OE and Options OE in aggregate view” checkbox.
- Added a Lock button where the old NYSE+ button was. When set, the global auto-prefill settings (‘After sending order’, ‘When current position changes’, ‘When Symbol or Account changes’) are ignored, keeping the order entry values as they are.
- Chart studies are now organized by category to aid in selection.
- Modified the time range’s End Time setting to not be inclusive.
- Zoom Out Max command added to the Chart menu.
- No longer displays an error box when attempting to add an indicator with more periods than data points.