Application: Sterling Trader® Elite
Version: 12.19.2
Release Date: September 16, 2024
Level I/Level II OE
- Ability to enter a custom commission value (dollars per order) in the Commission field.
Level II OE
- Added check for invalid Price/Type combinations when sending order. This is due to Level II OE combining Tif and Price Type together in one control to conserve screen space.
Options Chain
- STP and STP LMT price types removed from the spread order entry section.
- Added following setting to help with pre-market options P/L calculations (Global Settings > General page): Options – fall back to Close and if zero do not enforce status-changing risk checks.
- When applying template based on Qty%, the last allocated trade for each row is now modified so total allocated quantity matches original row’s quantity.
- Trims headlines to maximum length of 250 characters to avoid crashing.
- Fixed issue where the Zoom Tool can become stuck if the user moves the cursor over the x or y axis with the ‘Drag axis to zoom’ setting enabled.
- Escape key now exits out of the Zoom Tool.
Risers and Fallers, Options Most Active
- Fixed the saving/loading of a few settings that weren’t persisting across logins.
- ‘Extended’ renamed to Extended Hours.
- ‘Intra-day’ renamed to Day.
- Added setting (Global Settings > Basket) to include Side, Quantity, and Account when drag and dropping from Position Summary to Basket. Current behavior is Symbol only.
Position Summary
- Added check for, and removal of, ‘.O’ from options symbols when creating opening positions.
Trade Summary
- Renamed ‘Settle T+2’ column to Settle T+1.
Time and Sales
- Trade/Sales Condition now displayed as a character (instead of integer)
- Fixed issue with the 64-bit Chinese and Portuguese versions crashing.
- Original translations overwritten in the Chinese and Portuguese versions put back in.
- The download URLs displayed in the Minimum Version login reject dialog should now display correctly for Elite and Manager.
- Removed Base.exe (and Elite.exe/Conbase.exe) from the installers.
- Shortcuts created by the installers now point directly to:
- BaseGray.exe/EliteGray.exe/ManagerClassic.exe on new installs.
- Gray or Classic executable based on local setting when upgrading.