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Note this menu can also be accessed by right clicking within the chart.
Add Indicator – select an Indicator from the Add Indicator window dropdown menu. The Indicator dropdown menu can also be found at the top of the chart window.
Add Overlay - overlay additional symbols onto a chart.
Add Darvas Boxes - add Darvas boxes to a chart.
Add Line Study – add a line study to a chart.
Interval – change the chart interval. The interval menu can also be found at the top of the chart window.
Bar Style – change the chart bar style.
Price Style – change the chart price style.
Info Panel – turn the Info Panel off or choose to have it on and Fixed or Floating.
Zoom Out Max - zooms out the chart the maximum amount.
Select Chart Data – left click drag and drop the magnifying glass icon to select a section of chart data to view each candle’s High, Low, Open and Close.
All Chart Data – view High, Low, Open and Close for each candle in the chart.
Settings – opens the Chart Settings menu.
Save Current as Default – saves the current chart settings as the default for new charts.