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Sterling Trader® Pro Guide

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Position Summary Column Definitions

Column Heading Definition
$Bot Amount Spent Buying Shares into Position
$BP Used = abs($BPDayPos x Last Price): always a positve number - an absolute valu
$BP Used(NC) Buying Power used in the "Native Currency" of the exchange the stock is listed o
$Daily P/L Equities = (Position x Last Price) - (Opg Position x Close Price) - ($Bot - $Sld) Options = (Pos x Shr/Contr x Last Price) - (Opg Pos x Shr/Contr x Close Price) - ($Bot - $Sld)
$DayExp Day Exposure = Exposure - (Opening Pos x OPP)
$Delta Exp Pos Delta x Last Price of underlying stock
$Exp Exposure = Day Buying Power (DBP) + Overnight Position Value (OPV)
$Fees Approx Calculation of Commissions, Billable Charges, Liquidity-Related Charges and Rebates
$Net P/L $Net P/L = $Total P/L Minus (-) Commission Fees
$Net P/L(NC) $Net P/L in the "Native Currency" of the exchange the stock is listed on
$P /L /Shr $P /L /Shr = Stock's Last Price Minus (-) PosAvgPrc
$Real Realized Profit or Earnings e.g. Positive Gain - 16,400 Realized Profit or Earnings e.g. Negative Loss - (16,400)
$Real(NC) Realized Profit or Loss in the "Native Currency" of the exchange the stock is listed on
$Sld Amount Spent Selling Shares into Position
$Sld Lng Dollar Amount of Shares Sold from Long Position
$Sld Shrt Dollar Amount of Shares Sold from Short Position
$Total P/L $Unreal + $Real
$Total P/L(NC) Total Profit or Loss in the "Native Currency" of the exchange the stock is listed on
$Unreal Unrealized Profit or Earnings e.g. Positive Gain - 16,400 Unrealized Profit or Earnings e.g. Negative Loss - (16,400)
$Unreal(NC) Unrealized Profit or Loss in the "Native Currency" of the exchange the stock is listed on
$Value (Position) x (Last Price)
% Chg Percentage difference between Last Price and yesterday's Close
% of Port % of Total Portfolio
52 Hi 52 Week High
52 Lo 52 Week Low
Acct Account
AcctDesc Account Description (if one exists)
AEP Bot Average Execution Price of All Shares - Bought
AEP Sld Average Execution Price of All Shares - Sold
AEP Slng Average Execution Price of All Shares - Bought from Long Position
AEP SShrt Average Execution Price of All Shares - Sold from Short Position
Ask Ask
Ask Sz The Depth of the Current Offer
Bid Bid
Bid Sz The Depth of the Current Bid
Buy Var Equals VWAP – AEP Bot
Call/Put Call or Put Option
Chg Difference between Last Price and yesterday's Close
Close Price at Previous Day's Close
Conver Total Number of Conversions
Currency Base Currency for Account
Day Pos Current Day's Position = Position Minus (-) Opening Position (Opg Pos)
Description Description of Security
Exes Executions (Number of Executions)
Expiration Expiration Date
Group Group that Account belongs to
Hedges Hedges = Bullets + Conversions
High High Price for the Day for a Selected Symbol
Inst Type of Instrument (Equity, Option)
Last Price of Last Transaction
Last Sz The Size of the Last Trade
Leverage Total Exposure (per stock) / Current Net Liquidity (per entire account)
Locate Bkr Locate Broker (for short selling)
Located Quantity Located Using Interface
Low Low Price for the Day for a Selected Symbol
Mark to MKT Mark to Market
Open The Price that a Selected Symbol Opened the Day At
Opg Pos Opening Position (Carried Over from Prior Day)
OpnChg Difference between Last Price and Opening Price
OPP Price at Previous Day's Close
OPP Chg Difference Between Last Price and Uploaded Price (OPP) – if there is one; If there is no Uploaded Price, then it Equals Actual Net Change of the Stock
Pos Position - e.g. Long: 2500 or Short: (2500)
PosAvgPrc Price Needed to Break Even if Closing Posiiton
PosPctChg ( [Last Price] – [PosAvgPrice] ) / [PosAvgPrice] * 100
PullBk Pull Back value: calculated based on Position, which formulas are as follows: Long: PB = LastPrice - HighPrice; Short: PB = LowPrice - LastPrice; Flat: PB=0
Qty Bot Quantity Bought
Qty Sld Quantity Sold
Qty SLng Quantity of Shares Sold from Long Position
Qty SShrt Quantity of Shares Sold from Short Position
Sell Var AEP Sold – VWAP (Activ Feed only)
Size Lot Size Displayed as (Bid Size) x (Ask Size)
Strike Strike Price
Sym Symbol
Total Qty Qty Bot + Qty Sld
Trader Trader /User Login ID
Underlying Underlying Symbol
Vol Volume = Trading Volume for the Day for a Selected Symbol
VWAP Volume Weighted Average Price = [(# of shares bought) x (SharePrice)] / (Total Shares Bought

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