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Sterling Trader® Pro Guide

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Column Management

The list of available columns can be found in VIEW > SETTINGS.

Use the check boxes to add to or remove columns from the Stock Watch

A note on the Last Trend and Quote Trend columns:

Last Trend shows the direction of the last ten trades in a stock, either up, down, or no change from the previous trade price. Up is green, down is red, and no change is the same color as the preceding trend box.

Quote Trend shows the direction of the last ten Bids and the last ten Offers. The indicator boxes are split in two with the top half representing bids and the bottom representing offers. Up price is green, down is red, and “no change” is the same color as the preceding trend box.

Alerts Column – the Alert Legend screenshot below provides descriptions of all alert symbols that can populate the Alerts column. The Alert Legend can also be accessed from the Stock Watch window by clicking View > Alert Legend.

Clicking on an Alert icon in the Stock Watch will open the Exchange Alerts window with details of the alert.


SYM Symbol
LAST Last traded price
Chg Difference between last traded price and previous day’s closing price
% Chg Percentage difference between last traded price and previous day's closing price
Bid Bid
Ask Ask
Size Market size displayed as (Bid Size) x (Ask Size)
Vol Volume traded for the day
High High traded price for the day
Low Low traded price for the day
Open Opening price
Last Sz Last traded size
Alerts Shows triggered custom alerts and exchange alerts
Updated Time of last quote update
Last Trend Shows direction of the last ten trades
Quote Trend Shows direction of the last ten Bids and Offers
Close Previous day’s closing price
Cur Imb Current share imbalance
Avg Vol Average daily volume
Spread Difference between Bid and Ask
OpnChg Difference between last traded price and opening price
%OpnChg Percentage difference between last traded price and opening price
Opg Bid Opening Bid
Opg Ask Opening Ask
Bid Sz Current Bid size
Ask Sz Current Ask size
Pos Position
$Real Realized Profit or Loss
$Unreal Unrealized Profit or Loss
$Total P/L $Unreal + $Real
$P/L /Shr Last traded price - Position average price
VWAP Volume Weighted Average Price
Description Instrument description
% Range Last traded price relative to the range between today’s high and low
52 Hi 52 Week High
52 Lo 52 Week Low
Delta Instrument Delta value
Gamma Instrument Gamma value
Theta Instrument Theta value
Vega Instrument Vega value
Rho Instrument Rho value
TheoPrice Theoretical Price
ImpVol Implied Volatility
Pos Delta Position Delta
Pos Gamma Position Gamma
HiChg Difference between daily high and last price
%HiChg Percentage difference between daily high and last price
LoChg Difference between daily low and last price
%LoChg Percentage difference between daily low and last price
OpnGap Difference between previous closing price to opening price
%OpnGap Percentage difference between last traded price and opening price
Pos Theta Position Theta value
Underlying Underlying Symbol
B/A Mid Mid-point between Bid and Ask
ExDivDate Ex-dividend date
Fin Vol Volume * Instrument average price traded today
Today Close Today's closing price
Today Chg Difference between last traded price and today's closing price
Today % Chg Percentage difference between last traded price and today's closing price

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